Blaugust #13: My soccer team


Blaugust #13: My soccer team

So for the past few months I've been playing soccer on a little league with my boyfriend and a bunch of his friends.  At first, I was extremely nervous and I didn't really want to play.  I felt I wasn't that great and that I didn't really know what I was doing.  So over the course of this tiny league we've been playing with, the man friend and his friends have been giving me pointers and helping me out where it's needed.

Blaugust #12: August... where are you going?


Blaugust #12: August... where are you going?

August only just started but I feel like it's absolutely flying by.  This is good and bad for a few reasons.  Good because, well, I'm so tired of working this job that really isn't going anywhere and I'd like to go back to school to get closer to my career.  Anyway, I'm stoked to get back into the class and get back into learning shit that I need to know/am paying to know.

The bad part about this month going by so damn quickly is because this is my birthday month.  And while it was once a month of celebration, I'm quickly getting to that point in my life where my birthday simply means I'm one year older.  And fuck that noise.

Blaugust #11: That one game you just can't shake


Blaugust #11: That one game you just can't shake

So most of the people I know have that one video game they just can't shake.  No matter what comes up in life, or game wise ... they always find themselves going back to that one game.  Mine is very similar to a large number of other people but it is World of Warcraft.  I have had an account since Vanilla and I quickly got addicted.  Not to the point where I was skipping school/work/social life to get some time in but I definitely spent a lot of my free time in the world of Azeroth.

Blaugust #10: C-c-changes (Photo heavy)


Blaugust #10: C-c-changes (Photo heavy)

I've had my fair share of hair styles.  I get pretty bored of my hair after a set amount of time and feel that I need to switch things up.  That being said, I've had many different looks and I plan on having many more.  This weekend, I plan on changing things up once again only this time, I'm doing everything on my own.  I hope it goes well.

Blaugust #9: Unfinished/broken websites /Rant


Blaugust #9: Unfinished/broken websites /Rant

Anyone find something they really want to buy online just to authorize payment and have the website break on them?  That's been happening to me for about 2 days now.  First world problems, yes I know, but what else do I write about!?!  Anyway, I found this nice laptop case online for the school year so that my brand new laptop doesn't get beaten up in my backpack.  It's all girly and has Totoro just chillen' on it.  Awesome.  It's also pretty inexpensive and the feedback on this particular seller is fantastic.  Yay.

Blaugust #8: Travel


Blaugust #8: Travel

How many of you have the travel bug?  The incessant urge to go somewhere you've never been before and experience things you wouldn't normally.  I'm one of those people.  If I had enough money, I'd be constantly traveling without stopping.  I have so many big plans when it comes to places I'd like to visit before I die.

Blaugust #7: All about tattoos.. and stuff


Blaugust #7: All about tattoos.. and stuff

So tattoos are growing ever more popular among people these days, and much more accepted by the general population.  I myself, absolutely love them.  SOME of mine were a bit painful and it's debatable as to whether the pain was worth it or not :P.  Anywhoozle, I have a number of them myself and it all started when I turned 16 years old.  My dad brought me to a tattoo parlor back home as a birthday gift to welcome me into adulthood.  And since then, I've been crazy about body art.