My thoughts on The Walking Dead - SPOILERS -
I just want to preface this blog post by saying that I'm probably one of those obnoxious people you hate. You know the ones. "It's not as good as the book/comic!" Yep, I'm very much one of those. I grew up with a severe love for reading. My imagination when you describe scenes to me, is so much better than any movie (in my opinion). My favorite genre being fantasy, cause reasons! Anywhoozle, I remember when I was introduced to this series, I saw the first episode - immediately stopped watching any other episodes, and picked up the comic books.I feel as if the story progression in the comic books just made sense. I read as far as I possibly could, and finally picked the TV series back up again. I'm going to go season by season, expressing how I felt. And I'm going to warn you now, if you have not watched this series yet and are PLANNING to.. THERE WILL BE SPOILERS COMING!